Why join Dare 2 Grow?

A private vetted community for health entrepreneurs

A different kind of community

When Dare 2 Grow came to life, our mission was clear: to stand out and redefine the landscape. Dan initiated a conversation within his Linkedin community, seeking stories about disappointing experiences in communities and masterminds. The overwhelming response of 700 messages highlighted a prevalent issue in this space, fueling our determination to create something refreshingly different.

Our community thrives on three fundamental beliefs:

  1. Strength in Unity:

We firmly believe that our collective strength surpasses individual efforts. Together, we create a force that propels each member towards greater heights.

  1. Reciprocity Rules:

At Dare 2 Grow, we embrace the principle that what you give is what you get. A culture of generosity and mutual support forms the foundation of our community.

  1. Collaboration Triumphs Over Competition:

In a world often fixated on competition, we champion the idea that collaboration is the key to unparalleled success. Together, we elevate each other.

Every individual joining Dare 2 Grow aligns with these core beliefs. They are not just seeking personal growth; they are committed to a collective journey with like-minded individuals, knowing that in this collaborative space, they can achieve extraordinary feats.

Join us in embracing a community built on these principles, where every member contributes to and benefits from a culture of shared success and support. Dare 2 Grow is not just a community; it's a movement reshaping the narrative in the world of growth and collaboration.

Putting it all together

Experience the power of a truly comprehensive community designed to propel your business to new heights! We've meticulously crafted an all-inclusive haven, ensuring you have every essential element at your fingertips for guaranteed success:

A Robust Network:

Unleash the potential of unparalleled connections within our vibrant community. Forge alliances, exchange insights, and watch your network expand exponentially.

A Supportive Community:

Dive into a nurturing environment where mutual encouragement and shared success are the pillars. Our community is your steadfast support system, propelling you forward on your journey. We put you in a pod of 6-8 of your peers who serve as your personal board of directors and meet monthly for facilitated chats.

An Exclusive Retreat for Connection Enhancement:

Elevate your business relationships to the next level with a specially curated retreat. Immerse yourself in an environment designed to enhance connections, foster collaborations, and inspire innovation.

Access to 1:1 Business Coaching:

Gain access to personalized guidance precisely when you need it. Our on-call business coaching ensures that expert advice is just a click away, empowering you to navigate challenges with confidence.

Expert-Led Education:

Stay ahead of the curve with insights from industry experts. We bring in the best in their field, keeping you informed and equipped to make informed decisions for your business.

Embrace the synergy of these elements in our meticulously designed, all-inclusive experience.

Avoiding the nonsense

In a landscape cluttered with enticing promises of 6 & 7 figures in toxic programs and masterminds, we stand apart with a different mission — one centred on making a genuine impact on the lives of those we serve and those we serve with.

We understand the allure of the marketing world, where dazzling promises of quick riches with minimal effort abound. It's tempting to believe in shortcuts to success, especially when others are fervently pursuing them.

Dare 2 Grow is your steadfast ally, committed to helping you cultivate resilience against the noise. While many are lured by the siren call of shortcuts, we champion the value of hard work and dedication. Here, you and your community are not just chasing illusions; you're investing in the groundwork for sustainable, long-term business success.

Join us in breaking free from the illusions and embracing a journey of genuine growth and achievement.

Dare 2 Grow is your beacon of authenticity in a world often clouded by empty promises.

This newsletter community

What's in store for you:

  1. Friday Insights:

Elevate your Fridays with three essential bullets of content that we believe are indispensable for your business growth journey. Handpicked and delivered directly to your inbox, these insights are tailored to empower and inform.

  1. Test Drive Your Growth:

Immerse yourself in the Dare 2 Grow experience! Take advantage of the opportunity to "test drive" the benefits of our community, including personalized coaching sessions and transformative workshops. It's your chance to see firsthand how Dare 2 Grow can amplify your business success.

  1. Community Chronicles:

Be inspired by the stories within our community. We share tales of triumph, resilience, and innovation to fuel your motivation and ignite your own journey. Your peers' experiences will serve as beacons of inspiration, reminding you that greatness is achievable within this supportive ecosystem.

Join us every week as we deliver a curated blend of insights, opportunities, and stories directly to your inbox. Dare 2 Grow's newsletter is not just a source of information; it's a catalyst for your business growth and a testament to the vibrant community that propels it forward.